Friday, November 20, 2009

Lightning Round: Letter F Answers

  1. Friction
  2. Finland
  3. Fort Hood
  4. Famine
  5. Robert Frost
  6. Fe
  7. Fruit
  8. Gerald Ford
  9. Ford's Theatre
  10. Anne Frank

Lightning Round: Letter E Answers

  1. Estuary
  2. Exoskeleton
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  5. Egypt
  6. Equilateral triangle
  7. Excalibur
  8. Eiffel Tower
  9. Epistle
  10. Epicenter

Lightning Round: Letter D Answers

  1. Dynamite
  2. Dodecahedron
  3. Salvador Dali
  4. Dodo
  5. Charles Dickens
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. David
  8. Denominator
  9. Albus Dumbledore
  10. Drought

Saturday, March 21, 2009

LR 3; Cat C

This time I am posting links to websites with more information about the answers. Click on them to read and explore.

  1. Cheshire Cat
  2. Carbon
  3. Chicago, IL
  4. Cornucopia
  5. Grover Cleveland
  6. Chile
  7. Circumference
  8. Caldecott Medal
  9. Carnivores
  10. Cubism

Monday, March 16, 2009

LR 2; Cat.: Musical B's

1. Ludwig van Beethoven
2. bugle
3. baritone
4. Bee Gees
5. Beatles
6. Johannes Brahms
7. bassoon
8. bluegrass
9. Johann Sebastian Bach
10. baton

Thursday, March 5, 2009

LR 1; Cat. A


1. Armadillo
2. Louisa May Alcott
3. Antonym
4. Chester A. Arthur
5. Alliteration
6. Amazon. com
7. Avocado
8. Aztec
9. Arpeggio
10. Albino